Sunday, July 4, 2010

Masterchefing with Adrienne

Here she is. The Masterchef pressure test Black Forest Cake. What better way to spend a Sunday than sharing an ultimate baking test with an equally enthusiastic cook. My friend Adrienne (from the famous bookclub) and I got together to tackle this number. After quite a number of hours (we won't say the exact time it took), equally as many blocks of chocolate and many saucepans later we were very pleased with our efforts.

Has anyone else had a go? It is soooo rich and chocolatey, I could literaly feel the sugar buzz after just a small sliver.

There are heaps of steps and lots of techniques so a lot of effort for one cake. But there are lots of individual parts that would be great on their own. The chocolate sponge was easy and very light and fluffy. Adrienne suggested the hazelnut praline and cherry syryp would be great on their own. Perhaps add the praline to icecream or the syryp to coffee.

Anyway, enough making you crave chocolate, have a go yourself and share your experience!

Happy baking!